
Liliana Martirano obtained on April 2024 her Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies at the Department of Computer Engineering, Modeling, Electronics, and Systems Engineering (DIMES) of the University of Calabria, Italy. She graduated in Computer Engineering in 2020. She was visiting student at the France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) in Montpellier (FR) from October 2022 to April 2023, and she is currently pursuing a research collaboration with Unicredit, Rome (IT) from August 2023. Her research interests involve modeling and analyzing complex network systems (including heterogeneous, multilayer, attributed, dynamic graphs) through graph mining and deep learning techniques. Her primary focus is on graph representation learning for knowledge graphs. She serves as a reviewer for international premier conferences and journals concerning artificial intelligence, machine/deep learning, graph representation learning and network analysis. She is a Researcher (3rd level) at ICAR-CNR, and is a member of the Machines, Languages, and Networks Team @Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Lab at DIMES.

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