

Our research endeavors span a diverse array of topics, primarily focusing on the intersection of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Graph Mining and Network Science. Our research activities aim to provide insights into emergent phenomena and develop applications with both theoretical and practical significance in various domains, possibily of high-societal impact, such as law and healthcare.

Key areas of investigation include:

All — Selected Publications, since 2021


Neural discovery of balance-aware polarized communities
Neural discovery of balance-aware polarized communities
Francesco Gullo, Domenico Mandaglio, Andrea Tagarelli
Machine Learning   ·   12 Aug 2024   ·   doi:10.1007/s10994-024-06581-4
DyHANE: dynamic heterogeneous attributed network embedding through experience node replay
DyHANE: dynamic heterogeneous attributed network embedding through experience node replay
Liliana Martirano, Dino Ienco, Roberto Interdonato, Andrea Tagarelli
Applied Network Science   ·   15 Jul 2024   ·   doi:10.1007/s41109-024-00633-3
Is Contrasting All You Need? Contrastive Learning for the Detection and Attribution of AI-generated Text
Is Contrasting All You Need? Contrastive Learning for the Detection and Attribution of AI-generated Text
Lucio La Cava, Davide Costa, Andrea Tagarelli
arXiv   ·   12 Jul 2024   ·   doi:10.48550/arXiv.2407.09364
A meta-active learning approach exploiting instance importance
A meta-active learning approach exploiting instance importance
Sergio Flesca, Domenico Mandaglio, Francesco Scala, Andrea Tagarelli
Expert Systems with Applications   ·   08 Jun 2024   ·   doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2024.123320
Link Prediction on Multilayer Networks through Learning of Within-Layer and Across-Layer Node-Pair Structural Features and Node Embedding Similarity
Link Prediction on Multilayer Networks through Learning of Within-Layer and Across-Layer Node-Pair Structural Features and Node Embedding Similarity
Lorenzo Zangari, Domenico Mandaglio, Andrea Tagarelli
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024   ·   17 May 2024   ·   doi:10.1145/3589334.3645646
Polarization in Decentralized Online Social Networks
Polarization in Decentralized Online Social Networks
Lucio La Cava, Domenico Mandaglio, Andrea Tagarelli
ACM Web Science Conference   ·   04 May 2024   ·   doi:10.1145/3614419.3644013
Evaluating GPT-3.5's Awareness and Summarization Abilities for European Constitutional Texts with Shared Topics
Evaluating GPT-3.5's Awareness and Summarization Abilities for European Constitutional Texts with Shared Topics
Candida M. Greco, A. Tagarelli
arXiv   ·   25 Jan 2024   ·   doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2401.14524
Open Models, Closed Minds? On Agents Capabilities in Mimicking Human Personalities through Open Large Language Models
Open Models, Closed Minds? On Agents Capabilities in Mimicking Human Personalities through Open Large Language Models
Lucio La Cava, Andrea Tagarelli
arXiv   ·   13 Jan 2024   ·   doi:10.48550/arXiv.2401.07115


Drivers of social influence in the Twitter migration to Mastodon
Drivers of social influence in the Twitter migration to Mastodon
Lucio La Cava, Luca Maria Aiello, Andrea Tagarelli
Scientific Reports   ·   07 Dec 2023   ·   doi:10.1038/s41598-023-48200-7
Unraveling the NFT economy: A comprehensive collection of Non-Fungible Token transactions and metadata
Unraveling the NFT economy: A comprehensive collection of Non-Fungible Token transactions and metadata
Davide Costa, Lucio La Cava, Andrea Tagarelli
Data in Brief   ·   01 Dec 2023   ·   doi:10.1016/j.dib.2023.109749
Topic Similarities in Rights and Duties across European Constitutions using Transformer-based Language Models
Topic Similarities in Rights and Duties across European Constitutions using Transformer-based Language Models
Candida M. Greco, Andrea Tagarelli
ACM Hypertext-2023 Workshop on 'Legal Information Retrieval meets Artificial Intelligence Workshop' (LIRAI)   ·   01 Dec 2023   ·  
Bringing order into the realm of Transformer-based language models for artificial intelligence and law
Bringing order into the realm of Transformer-based language models for artificial intelligence and law
Candida M. Greco, Andrea Tagarelli
Artificial Intelligence and Law   ·   20 Nov 2023   ·   doi:10.1007/s10506-023-09374-7
Evolution of the Social Debate on Climate Crisis: Insights from Twitter During the Conferences of the Parties
Evolution of the Social Debate on Climate Crisis: Insights from Twitter During the Conferences of the Parties
Liliana Martirano, Lucio La Cava, Andrea Tagarelli
2023 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM)   ·   13 Sep 2023   ·   doi:10.1109/ICT-DM58371.2023.10286927
SONAR: Web-based Tool for Multimodal Exploration of Non-Fungible Token Inspiration Networks
SONAR: Web-based Tool for Multimodal Exploration of Non-Fungible Token Inspiration Networks
Lucio La Cava, Davide Costa, Andrea Tagarelli
Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval   ·   18 Jul 2023   ·   doi:10.1145/3539618.3591821
A combinatorial multi-armed bandit approach to correlation clustering
A combinatorial multi-armed bandit approach to correlation clustering
F. Gullo, D. Mandaglio, A. Tagarelli
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery   ·   29 Jun 2023   ·   doi:10.1007/S10618-023-00937-5
Show me your NFT and I tell you how it will perform: Multimodal representation learning for NFT selling price prediction
Show me your NFT and I tell you how it will perform: Multimodal representation learning for NFT selling price prediction
Davide Costa, Lucio La Cava, Andrea Tagarelli
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023   ·   30 Apr 2023   ·   doi:10.1145/3543507.3583520
Exploring domain and task adaptation of LamBERTa models for article retrieval on the Italian Civil Code
Exploring domain and task adaptation of LamBERTa models for article retrieval on the Italian Civil Code
Andrea Simeri, Andrea Tagarelli
The 19th Conference on Information and Research science Connecting to Digital and Library science (IRCDL)   ·   21 Apr 2023   ·  
Transformer-based language models for mental health issues: A survey
Transformer-based language models for mental health issues: A survey
Candida M. Greco, Andrea Simeri, Andrea Tagarelli, Ester Zumpano
Pattern Recognition Letters   ·   01 Mar 2023   ·   doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2023.02.016
Visually Wired NFTs: Exploring the Role of Inspiration in Non-Fungible Tokens
Visually Wired NFTs: Exploring the Role of Inspiration in Non-Fungible Tokens
Lucio La Cava, Davide Costa, Andrea Tagarelli
arXiv   ·   01 Jan 2023   ·   doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.17031
Drivers of social influence in the Twitter migration to Mastodon
Drivers of social influence in the Twitter migration to Mastodon
Lucio La Cava, Luca Maria Aiello, Andrea Tagarelli
arXiv   ·   01 Jan 2023   ·   doi:10.48550/arXiv.2305.19056


Co-MLHAN: contrastive learning for multilayer heterogeneous attributed networks
Co-MLHAN: contrastive learning for multilayer heterogeneous attributed networks
Liliana Martirano, Lorenzo Zangari, Andrea Tagarelli
Applied Network Science   ·   20 Sep 2022   ·   doi:10.1007/s41109-022-00504-9
Learning to Active Learn by Gradient Variation based on Instance Importance
Learning to Active Learn by Gradient Variation based on Instance Importance
Sergio Flesca, Domenico Mandaglio, Francesco Scala, Andrea Tagarelli
2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)   ·   21 Aug 2022   ·   doi:10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956039
LawNet-Viz - A Web-based System to Visually Explore Networks of Law Article References
LawNet-Viz - A Web-based System to Visually Explore Networks of Law Article References
Lucio La Cava, Andrea Simeri, Andrea Tagarelli
Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval   ·   06 Jul 2022   ·   doi:10.1145/3477495.3531668
Information consumption and boundary spanning in Decentralized Online Social Networks: The case of Mastodon users
Information consumption and boundary spanning in Decentralized Online Social Networks: The case of Mastodon users
Lucio La Cava, Sergio Greco, Andrea Tagarelli
Online Social Networks and Media   ·   01 Jul 2022   ·   doi:10.1016/j.osnem.2022.100220
Network Analysis of the Information Consumption-Production Dichotomy in Mastodon User Behaviors
Network Analysis of the Information Consumption-Production Dichotomy in Mastodon User Behaviors
Lucio La Cava, Sergio Greco, Andrea Tagarelli
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media   ·   31 May 2022   ·   doi:10.1609/icwsm.v16i1.19391
A Comparison of Transformer-Based Language Models on NLP Benchmarks
A Comparison of Transformer-Based Language Models on NLP Benchmarks
Candida Maria Greco, Andrea Tagarelli, Ester Zumpano
Lecture Notes in Computer Science   ·   01 Jan 2022   ·   doi:10.1007/978-3-031-08473-7_45
When Correlation Clustering Meets Fairness Constraints
When Correlation Clustering Meets Fairness Constraints
Francesco Gullo, Lucio La Cava, Domenico Mandaglio, Andrea Tagarelli
Lecture Notes in Computer Science   ·   01 Jan 2022   ·   doi:10.1007/978-3-031-18840-4_22


Graph convolutional and attention models for entity classification in multilayer networks
Graph convolutional and attention models for entity classification in multilayer networks
Lorenzo Zangari, Roberto Interdonato, Antonio Calió, Andrea Tagarelli
Applied Network Science   ·   08 Nov 2021   ·   doi:10.1007/s41109-021-00420-4
Unsupervised law article mining based on deep pre-trained language representation models with application to the Italian civil code
Unsupervised law article mining based on deep pre-trained language representation models with application to the Italian civil code
Andrea Tagarelli, Andrea Simeri
Artificial Intelligence and Law   ·   15 Sep 2021   ·   doi:10.1007/s10506-021-09301-8
Understanding the growth of the Fediverse through the lens of Mastodon
Understanding the growth of the Fediverse through the lens of Mastodon
Lucio La Cava, Sergio Greco, Andrea Tagarelli
Applied Network Science   ·   01 Sep 2021   ·   doi:10.1007/s41109-021-00392-5
Community Detection in Multiplex Networks
Community Detection in Multiplex Networks
Matteo Magnani, Obaida Hanteer, Roberto Interdonato, Luca Rossi, Andrea Tagarelli
ACM Computing Surveys   ·   08 May 2021   ·   doi:10.1145/3444688
Attribute based diversification of seeds for targeted influence maximization
Attribute based diversification of seeds for targeted influence maximization
Antonio Caliò, Andrea Tagarelli
Information Sciences   ·   01 Feb 2021   ·   doi:10.1016/J.INS.2020.08.093
Correlation Clustering with Global Weight Bounds
Correlation Clustering with Global Weight Bounds
Domenico Mandaglio, Andrea Tagarelli, Francesco Gullo
Lecture Notes in Computer Science   ·   01 Jan 2021   ·   doi:10.1007/978-3-030-86520-7_31

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